Here at Central Tabernacle Church, the worship is a different kind of experience. Our goal is to meet the Lord through our music worship. The service is His and therefore, our music worship is solely for Him. Our music worship is analogous to the tabernacle built in Old Testament times where the presence of God dwelt.We enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Like King David in 2 Samuel 6, our worship is characterized by celebration and exuberant praise. At some point, however, we step into the Holy of Holies and when we enter, this is an experience characterized by intimate one-on-one worship of the Lord; a time of showering our love and affection on the Lord.Another purpose of the music worship ministry of Central Tabernacle Church is to train and equip true worshipers of all ages, and if you have a heart to worship the Father through music, then we have a place of ministry for you. Our choir rehearsals are open for you to come and visit anytime throughout the year. All we ask is that you come prepared to worship through music.